Tuesday, March 15, 2016

California Adventure!

On Friday, we went to California Adventure! The first place we went to was Cars Land. We went on the new ride and then we had breakfast in a restaurant in Cars Land. We went on the Radiator Springs Racers ride. Then, we went to A Bug's Land. I rode on most of the rides there. Then we went on the Tower of Terror. It was creepy. Then we went to Soarin' Over California. It seemed like it was real. We went to the Redwood Creek Challenge Trail place, but then it started to rain really hard. Then we went over to Paradise Pier. We went on the Ariel ride twice. I didn't like it. Then we went over to do Toy Story Mania. I liked it. Then it stopped raining. Then me, Dad, Grandpa, and Graham went on California Screaming. When we went upside down, my lips felt heavy. After that, me, Graham, Mom, Grandma, Anne, and Julia went on the Ferris Wheel. Graham and Mom went on a rocking car in the Ferris wheel. Then it got dark. We went over to Goofy's Sky School but it was closed. Then we went to the bakery tour and most people had dinner. I didn't have dinner. We went back over to Goofy's Sky School. It was open! We went on it. Then me, Anne, Grandma, and Mom ate at a pizza place while Graham, Julia, Daddy, and Grandpa went on the Golden Zephyr ride. But then I went over to the Golden Zephyr ride. It was closed because of the winds. Then we took the streetcar to Hollywood Land and we did Animation Academy and Turtle Talk with Crush. Last, we went on the Monsters, Inc. ride. Then we left. I had a fun day.

New Lego Storage System

This is the new Lego storage system. We sorted all the Legos. Now it is much easier to build stuff.